Terms and conditions

General terms
The installation and activation fees are prescribed by the last-mile provider, not Telecloud. Although we endeavor to keep our coverage data as accurate as possible, we are reliant on the maps provided to us by our last-mile partners, which may sometimes have slight inaccuracies.

Cancellation process
Should you wish to cancel your LTE package, you will have to send a cancelation email to support@telecloud.co.za stating that you would like to cancel your service. The cancellation will take a month to finalize, in that month the service will still be active and will therefore need to be paid for.

Shaping and prioritization
There are no usage thresholds so you can use as much data as you like, whenever you like. No throttling or shaping will be applied.

Installation, cabling and lead times
The installation fee includes cabling up to 30 meters. If your installation requires additional cabling, a site survey will be done, after which you will receive a quote from the applicable last-mile provider. Should you choose to proceed, you will be liable for any additional costs incurred. The additional cabling is directly payable to the applicable last-mile provider.
Save up to R5000 promotion Sign up with Telecloud today and you can save up to R5000 on setup, activation, migration and hardware costs. Telecloud reserves the right to change the promotion at any time. While stocks last.

By agreeing to use our services you agree to our standard terms and conditions.

Customer Contact Details
It is the client’s responsibility to keep their contact details up to date. This is easily accessible via the Customer Portal.

When you place an order with Telecloud, provided that your order is accepted by Telecloud in accordance with its standard operating procedures, we will make every commercially reasonable effort to comply promptly with any supply and/ or delivery requirements recorded in the order, but will not be liable to you or any other person in any matter whatsoever, insofar as the law allows, if the supply and/ or delivery is delayed or cancelled.

Theft , Loss Or Damage
All risk for loss, damage or theft of SIM Cards or devices supplied by Telecloud to you will pass to you on delivery of the SIM Card and/ or the device (as the case may be) or to any person that you have chosen to accept receipt of such SIM Card and/ or device on your behalf.

By law, if a SIM Card is lost or stolen, you are required to immediately notify the South African Police Services in writing. If the SIM Card is lost or stolen you must first notify Telecloud and request suspension of the SIM Card. Until your request for suspension of the SIM Card is received by Telecloud, you will remain liable for all costs and charges relating to that SIM Card, including all usage charges arising from the use of the SIM Card.

Telecloud will be the owner of the device until you have paid the purchase price of the device (which may be included in your monthly subscription) in full, except that where your Contract is cancelled in terms of breach of contract or as per your cancellation rights under the Consumer Protection Act, then Telecloud will remain the owner of the device until you have paid the purchase price of the device in full, together with the cancellation fees.

Subscriptions are still payable due to Act of God or Act of Government.
A 30 day notification period is required for all cancellations. (A full calendar month)
All voice packages come with a 6 month lifespan.
Active subscriptions, even if not in use, are still payable until cancelled.
Night Owl data, midnight to 5am.

You hereby warrant and undertake that you:
Will not use or allow the network services for any improper, immoral, fraudulent or unlawful purpose;
Will only use devices approved by ICASA together with the SIM Card on the network;
Recognize and agree that no right, title or interest in the software contained in each SIM Card or the software contained in a device or the software contained in a device issued to you, belongs to you or will belong to you;
Will not, and will not allow, any other person to reverse engineer, decompile, modify or tamper with the software contained in, or relating to, any SIM Card or device.

You will pay all the applicable charges due by you to Telecloud at the rates detailed in the price list on Cloud Telecom’s Website and / or as per your package / price plan terms and conditions. These charges will take into account the following charges, including but not limited to: the charges applicable to your package / price plan, monthly subscription, devices charges, usage charge, and/ or VAT charges. TELECLOUD may amend these charges from time to time upon reasonable notice to you.

In addition to any other amounts which are payable by you in terms of the contract, you are required to pay Telecloud:
The cancellation charges for early termination of your contract in the event that Telecloud elects to cancel your contract as a result of a breach of contract by you.

The cancellation charges for early termination of your contract by you should you elect to cancel your contract before expiry of the applicable period;
A debit order return fee of R50.00 inclusive of Value Added Tax (“VAT”) if you fail to make payment of any amount by the due date for payment and the amount was required to be paid by debit order;

If there is a package migration/ price plan migration by you, the current migration fee and/ or administration fee for the migration as detailed in the price list on Telecloud Website at the time of the package migration/ price plan migration;

To pay legal costs of an attorney and own client scale, which costs will be reasonably incurred by Telecloud. If Telecloud takes any legal steps against you relating to your breach of your contract. You will also be required to pay collection costs reasonably incurred by Telecloud while trying to collect any amounts from you which are owed to Telecloud by you.

Our payment terms are 15 (fifteen) days from the date of invoice and must be paid to Telecloud at Telecloud’s premises or into the bank account of Telecloud. The details of Telecloud bank account shall be detailed in each monthly bill which Telecloud may send you. If payment is made by you via a debit order, other electronic means, or any intermediary, your bankers or other intermediaries will act as your agents. You will be responsible for the payment until it has been received by Telecloud at Telecloud’s premises or by the bankers of Telecloud into Telecloud bank account.

Should an invoice become overdue, the necessary process is followed by our system with the details that are available on each client’s profile. Should we receive no response with regard to outstanding invoices, the account will be handed over to our attorneys.

The client will receive notice from this company of the outstanding fees and have 30 days to respond and make arrangements for payment. If your service is suspended due to non payment a re-connection fee of R75.00 will be imposed and will be billed immediately as a separate invoice. It is also the responsibility of the client to be in contact with Telecloud to arrange for payment before the account is handed over.

You must pay by way of debit order if Telecloud requires you to do so. Telecloud’s debit orders are processed once a month, typically on the first working day of each month (please take note that we bill pro-rata in advance) Should a customer’s monthly debit order return as rejected for any reason, a rejection fee of R50.00 will incur and this will immediately be billed as a separate invoice. Upon signing up with Telecloud, the client agrees to any additional relevant charges to their products that are not included in their monthly service invoice. This includes any top up invoices generated for Internet connection, as well as traffic or over usage invoices that are created for hosting. As all invoices are automatically e-mailed immediately after they are generated, it is the client’s responsibility to contact Telecloud should they have any queries relating to an invoice upon receipt thereof. Telecloud reserves the right to process your debit order via NAEDO (Non-authenticated early debit order).

Telecloud may set a limit on the amount of the total charges which you may incur in any month and may change this limit from time to time. The limit on your charges is determined by Telecloud in accordance with Telecloud credit-vetting criteria and you may request Cloud Telecom’s to disclose this limit to you. If your actual charges exceed the limit set by Telecloud. You will still be required to pay these charges.

You may also request Telecloud to set a limit on your behalf, although you will still be liable to Telecloud if your actual charges exceed the limit, and in which case you will still be required to pay these charges.

Telecloud may without any liability suspend your access to the network services if:
Any modification, maintenance or remedial work must be undertaken in relation to the network or the network services. Telecloud will use reasonable endeavors to reduce the period of the suspension due to the modification, maintenance and remedial work and will endeavor to notify you of this suspension in advance Telecloud will not be required to notify you in advance when the modification, maintenance or remedial work is required due to an emergency; or

If you breach any term of your contract (including, but not limited to, when you fail to give to Telecloud all necessary documents stated on the application form or if you do not pay Telecloud any amount owing on a due date), Telecloud will notify you of the suspension of your access to or use of the network services; or

You at any time exceed the limit of the total amount of charges which you may incur in any month, as Telecloud may set, from time to time: or If Telecloud is required to do so by law or by the ICASA; or

If Telecloud is of the reasonable belief that you have fraudulently exploited the network services.

Your Contract may be cancelled by you: processed at the end of the current month.
Fibre Cancellations are processed at the end of the next calendar month.

At any time giving Telecloud at least 30 (thirty) days’ notice in writing (not by SMS) or in any other recorded manner and form. Cancellations before the 25th are processed at the end of the current month. Fibre Cancellations are processed at the end of the next calendar month.

At the end of the Initial Contract Period, by giving Telecloud written notice (not by SMS) of cancellation before the end of the Initial Contract Period;

At the end of a particular Contract Renewal Period where your Contract is continuing on a month- to- month basis by giving Telecloud a written notice (not by SMS) of cancellation before the end of the relevant month;

If Telecloud is in breach of an obligation in your contract and fails to remedy this breach within 30 (thirty) days after receiving a notice from you in writing (not by SMS) identifying the breach and stating that if the breach is not remedied you may cancel your contract.
If you do wish to cancel your contract for this reason, after the expiry date of the 30 (thirty) days’ notice period, you must send Telecloud a notice in writing (not by SMS) of the cancellation of your contract;

If you decide to port to another network or service provider, and have given Telecloud at least 30 (thirty) days prior written notice (not by SMS);

By notice in writing (not by SMS) to Telecloud within 30 (thirty) days after Telecloud has given you notice of changes or amendments to
(i) your contract,
(ii) the repair, replacement and refund terms of the CPA,
(iii) the changes to the price list; or
(iv) the credit limit, except that you can only cancel your Contract where the changes or amendments meet the conditions set out in clause 15.2;

By notice in writing (not by SMS) to Telecloud within 30 (thirty) days after receiving a notice from Telecloud of the change, withdrawal or substitution of any value added service which form a part of your package option/ price plan.

Without limiting any of Telecloud other remedies and rights against you, your contract may be cancelled by Telecloud immediately on written notice to you:
If you are in breach of your contract (which may include, but is not limited to, where you fail to pay any amount to Telecloud on a due date or in certain circumstances if you cancel a debit order) and you have failed to remedy that breach within 30 (thirty) days after Telecloud has given you notice of such breach, provided that if the breach is not material, Telecloud will only cancel your contract where this is reasonable to do so;

If Telecloud is of the reasonable belief that you have violated the terms and conditions of the network service.

If you are sequestrated, liquidated, placed under judicial management or business rescue, whether provisionally or finally, and whether voluntarily or compulsory; or

If the license issued by ICASA terms of which Telecloud is authorized and empowered to give you access to the network services, is cancelled for whatever reason.

If your contract is cancelled, you will be required to pay:
The monthly subscription applicable up to the cancellation date, except that if the cancellation date is not at the end of a particular month, then the monthly subscription for that last month will be pro- rated;

All the usage charges up to and including the cancellation date; All other amounts which Telecloud is entitled to charge you up to the cancellation date or for any failure to make payment by you before or after the cancellation date; and

The cancellation charges, which will include (but may not be limited to) the balance of the purchase price of the device.

You will also be required to pay Telecloud the balance of the purchase price of your device if you migrate to a package option with a lower device subsidy than the package option you are migrating from or if you migrate to a price plan with no device.

To the extent allowed by law, Telecloud will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage suffered (whether it is direct or indirect):
If the network services are interrupted, suspended or cancelled for any negligent act or failure to act by Telecloud, or for circumstances outside of the control of Telecloud; or

If Telecloud does not supply or deliver any device or SIM Card/s on the required date or time;

As a result of the use of any device supplied to you by Telecloud relating to your contract ( including the use of any self- service features available to you);

If your access to, or use of, the network services is suspended in terms of your contract;

If Telecloud does not Suspend the provision of the network services to you after you have specifically requested Telecloud to do so in order to, amongst other things, limit the usage of charges;

The loss or damage was caused by any negligent act or failure to act by Telecloud, its employees or its agents.

To the extent allowed by law, where Telecloud is liable to you for any reason, the cumulative maximum liability of Telecloud to you for all claims, actions, demands and proceedings of whatever nature and however arising (including, without limitation, for breach of contract, in delict, for all acts and omissions, and for negligence) shall in total be limited to the total value of the charges actually paid by you to Telecloud in terms of your contract.

To the extent allowed by law, in no event will Telecloud be liable to you for any loss of profits, loss of goodwill, loss of business opportunities, business interruptions, loss or destruction of data, damage to data, or for any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary losses or damages of whatever nature and however arising.

Telecloud may at any time make changes or amendments to:

Your contract, including all documents which form part of your contract; your package option/ price- plan terms and conditions; and the VAS terms and conditions applicable to the value added service used by you;

The charges or prices listed on Telecloud; and

The limit of the usage charges set by Telecloud.

Telecloud  will endeavor to give you at least 30 (thirty) days prior written notice (which includes notice by SMS) of any charges or amendments but is entitled to give you a shorter period of notice or no prior notice where this is reasonable in the circumstances or where it is necessary in order to comply with law or with the requirements of ICASA.

You will be entitled to cancel the applicable network service(s) and/ or any service forming part of your package option/price-plan which Telecloud seeks to amend within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the notice from Telecloud of any changes or amendments by giving written notice (not by SMS) to Telecloud, only where:

The reason for the changes or amendments was not because they were necessary to comply with law or with the requirements of ICASA and they were also not approved by ICASA;

In the case of changes or amendments to the charges on price list, these changes or amendments resulted in an increase to the charges or other amounts payable by you to Telecloud, were not approved by ICASA and were also not increases which Telecloud is entitled to make in terms of your contract; and:

In the case of changes or amendments to the credit limit set by Telecloud, the change or amendment has been a reduction of the credit limit and the reduction was not necessary to comply with law or with the requirements of ICASA.

If the cancellation notice is received by Telecloud from you after the date that the relevant change or amendment becomes effective (as specified in Telecloud notice to you), then that change and amendment will still be valid and effective until the cancellation date.

All value added service are made available and provided at the discretion of Telecloud and Telecloud may change, withdraw and substitute them at any time by giving you at least 30 (thirty) days prior written notice. Telecloud is entitled to give you a shorter period of notice or no prior notice where this is reasonable in the circumstances or where it is necessary in order to comply with law or the requirements of ICASA. If Teleclouds withdraws any value added service which has a monthly subscription, then no further monthly subscription will be charged to you for that value added service after the withdrawal. Where you subscribe to a package / price plan that includes free value added service, then there will be no reduction in your monthly subscription because that value added service is free.

If Telecloud changes, withdraws or substitutes any value added service that is provided to you, then you will be entitled to cancel your contract within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the notice from Telecloud of the change, withdrawal or substitution of the value added service, by giving written notice (not by SMS) to Telecloud.

If the cancellation notice is received by Telecloud from you after the date that the relevant change, withdrawal or substitution of a value added service becomes effective (as specified in Telecloud notice to you), then that change, withdrawal or substitution will still be valid and effective until the cancellation date.

Your device will not be insured by Telecloud and you will therefore be responsible for all loss, theft and/or damage to your device, unless you have entered into a separate insurance agreement with an insurance provider of your choice to insure the device.

Subject to availability and receipt of payment, requests will be confirmed within 2 working days and delivery confirmed telephonically or via e-mail.

No, we have a strict no refunds policy. If necessary, we may credit your account

The provision of goods and services by Telecloud is subject to availability. In cases of unavailability, Telecloud will refund the client in full within 30 days. All goods such as hardware and software remains the property of Telecloud until paid for in full. Cancellation of orders by the client will attract a 10% administration fee.

Upon activation and installation of wireless equipment, we offer up to 12 months factory guarantee on all equipment. Standard T&Cs; apply .

We give a 30 day workmanship warranty done on all new installations.

All changes / improvements / repairs / software updates / security upgrades to the equipment are for the client’s account unless the damage / fault is as a result of the company’s negligence. It is your responsibility to keep your equipment up to date with upgrades of hardware and software.

The high site equipment is always the responsibility and property of the company and the client will never be held responsible for any changes / repairs needed on the high site.

It is standard policy for clients to be pre-advised of any potential costs in either the form of a formal quote, when the exact fault is known, or an estimate, when an onsite evaluation is required.

Unless otherwise noted, all prices on this web site includes Value Added Taxes (VAT). Residents from outside the Republic of South Africa are exempt from South African VAT.

Telecloud shall take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of users. For the purpose of this clause, “personal information” shall be defined as detailed in the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA). The PAIA may be downloaded from: http://www.polity.org.za/attachment.php?aa_id=3569. Acceptable use policy Telecloud’s hosting and Internet access services are government by our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Our AUP states that none of the services may be utilised in any way to generate SPAM (UCE – Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail). Use of your e-mail account to send unsolicited bulk (UBE) or commercial messages (UCE) is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, bulk-mailing of commercial advertising, informational announcements, charity requests, petitions for signatures, and political or religious tracts. Such material may only be sent to those who have explicitly requested it. Telecloud’s  shaped uncapped wireless accounts will never be capped. However, our shaped uncapped service is not designed for people using computer programs running 24/7 continuously downloading. If your intentions are to download 24/7 then these accounts are not for you. We reserve the right to shape and throttle any account whose usage are affecting other users on our network’s internet experience negatively. Our main goal is to keep the majority of our clients happy so if certain individuals abusive downloading are affecting other users on our network we reserve the right to shape, throttle or cancel their service.

Fibre services are provided on an “as is” and “up to” service level agreement. This means that although installations are done with high quality products and workmanship, the line speed achieved is not guaranteed. Variations may exist and if this is the case, we recommend downgrading to a slower package for stability. Telecloud will use reasonable endeavours to make its services available to its Subscribers, and to maintain the availability thereof for use by its Subscribers. However, we provide the services “as is” and “as available” and we do not make any express or implied representations or warrant or guarantee the quality or security of the services or that the services will at all times be free of errors or interruptions, be always available, fit for any purpose, not infringe any third party rights, be secure and reliable, or will conform to your delivery timeline requirements subject always to the provisions of the CPA where applicable.

We offer a 1 year warranty on most hardware devices, such as Desktop Phones, Cordless Phones, Routers and modems.
Headphones warranty = 3 months
We are NOT offering a warranty on the TV boxes, due to it being affected by certain TVs.

Should any aspect of a client’s website cause spam and disrupt the service to any of our other clients, we will immediately suspend the hosting services of the website responsible for the spamming. This will be done after making contact with the client in writing to confirm this. Services will be reactivated upon confirmation from the client that the spamming software has been removed.

Telecloud  reserves the right to charge a service fee, for any changes or system corrections needed on servers or domains owned by clients, when the changes or corrections needed are the result of changes made by the client.

Telecloud  reserves the right to charge a specialized IT Support fee, for any changes or system corrections needed on client installations and networks, in the event of a request for full systems access by the client.

Telecloud’s  servers may be used only for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes a legal threat, or violates export control laws. Examples of unacceptable content or links: “Pirated software”, “Hackers programs or archives”, “Warez Sites”, “Irc Bots”, “Illegal Mp3’s” etc. We will be the sole arbiters as to what constitutes a violation of this provision with guidance taken from the Internet Service Provider’s Association, our governing body.

Telecloud  at its sole discretion, may choose to change the pricing and operation of this website at anytime without notice.

If you want to transfer, move, or cancel a domain, the abbreviated procedure is as follow:

. Client submits cancellation request

. New domain registrar initiates transfer

. Telecloud accepts transfer

. Within 14 working days – client standard fibre installations from forms received, subject to availability of coverage.

. Domain is transferred It is imperative that you contact your new ISP before transferring a domain away so that this entire process can facilitated. The essence of transferring a domain away is that the new (“incoming”) ISP does most of the work. If the new ISP does pro-actively manage the transfer your domain might go into redemption and then get re-registered by another party.

Daily backups are made of the web files on our servers and they are available in the event that your site needs to be restored. Please note that we do not offer any backups for mails linked to the domain hosted with us and suggest that you always ensure a local copy. Note that any restore procedure undertaken will incur a cost at our current labour per hour rate. It is highly recommended that you also create a separate backup of all your DNS records, web files and mailbox content, to prevent loss of data as we do not guarantee backups.

Application of Telecloud Geographic Number Porting
1. Telecloud is not responsible for any credit and/or unused allowances that will be forfeited when the geographic number is ported to the Telecloud Voice network.
2. Telecloud does not commit to offer all products and/or services provided by the donor network when the geographic number is ported to Telecloud Voice network.
3. Telecloud Number Porting service will not allow a customer to port to another network operator within 60 days from requested port date to the Telecloud Voice network.
4. The customer must confirm that the geographic number to be ported is a valid portable number.
5. The Telecloud Geographic Number Porting service will be charged at rate determined by Telecloud.
6. Telecloud reserve the right to adjust the Geographic Number Porting service pricing from time to time.
7. The customer is responsible for any monies or outstanding fees payable to the donor network.

Our hosting and Internet access platforms already provide clients with detailed statistics of usage. Sometimes clients find it difficult to understand that they are using such a large amount of overuse. If a client is unable to resolve the issue using the tools at their disposal and they would like Telecloud to investigate further, our Support team will be able to assist on this matter at our current labour rate per hour. Charges will not be applied should there be a system fault on Telecloud’s side. For further clarity on this please contact our help desk.

If a client wishes to transfer a domain out of office hours, the following policy applies:

The client must make sure the domain and all related services are paid up to date.

The incoming ISP must get confirmation in writing (e-mail is fine) that the accounts department will accept the transfer.

If the above procedure has not been followed; the after hours (emergency personal) will be unable to help. Please note that all outgoing domain transfers are automated. If your domain or any of the related services are not paid up to date the domain transfer will be automatically declined. Manual override can only be done during office hours.

Transfer tickets are only accepted once the cancellation for the specific hosting product has been requested online in the client area by the client, and in accordance with Telecloud’s 30 day notice period for service cancellations.

No form of criminal activity will be tolerated on Telecloud’s network. This includes hacking or phishing or trespassing on any person’s system and any other activity which is prohibited by the law. The normal turn of events is that the police will subpoena Telecloud for the information. Telecloud, however, reserves the right to disconnect a user’s system until such time as the investigation is completed.

An email must be sent to support@telecloud.co.za in order for our support team to deal with the issue effectively. The following response time periods are applicable with regards to our support structure:

. Within 24hrs – emergency maintenance to Telecloud’s infrastructure
. Within 02 working days – maintenance and call out jobs
. Within 04 working days – large site installations and network setups once quote accepted
. Within 14 working days – client standard fibre installations from forms received, subject to availability of coverage.

These times do not include weekends or public holidays.

Telecloud does not bear responsibility for a lack in QoS (Quality of Service) of the package line stability and speed, when equipment used is not purchased from Telecloud directly or if the recommended equipment is not used. Additionally, if the installation is done by anyone other than Telecloud-approved contractors or employees through the official Telecloud booking channels, Telecloud reserves the right to charge for any changes or system corrections needed on client installations and networks as well as equipment to be purchased

In compliance with best practice, we do not allow engineers to complete any work during harsh winds or on wet surfaces especially roofs. All appointments scheduled on days when there are strong winds or rain, will be rescheduled to the next available date. This is due to safety regulations and the risk of injury.

Please select your product